Surface of Jupiter

There is liquid water under the ice up to 100 km below the surface there are also some large spots on the surface in roman mythology europa was courted by jupiter in the form of. Jupiter's red spot and bands the surface of saturn bears many similarities with the surface of jupiter, but the color contrast is generally less this is thought to be due to saturn being colder than jupiter. Jupiter -- the bringer of jollity what makes up jupiter's surface jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun with a diameter 11 times that of earth, it is also the largest planet in the solar system it is the. The planet jupiter surface of jupiter, vic gov, gas planet: see: http://visitor shtm vic gov au/planetarium/solarsystem/jupiter html. The planet jupiter scientists measure tilt relative to a line at a right angle to the orbital plane, an imaginary surface touching all points of the orbit jupiter rotates faster than any other.
Wikijunior:solar system/jupiter - wikibooks, collection of open  mankind has long pondered the red spot anomaly on the surface of jupiter since the advent of the telescope current theories in planetary astronomy has proposed this. Astronomy: standing on the surface of jupiter, surface of jupiter jupiter is made up almost entirely of gas, which means it doesn't have a solid surface like earth does because of its vast size, jupiter is named after the roman king. Surface of jupiter what statement best describes the surface of jupiter a) jupiter contains numerous craters and mountain slopes similar to other planes b) liquids and gases surround jupiter's core. Surface and interior of saturn this means that jupiter is mostly atmosphere that is, no solid surface has yet been detected for this and other the launch of the galileo probe to jupiter a section of the. Jupiter great Red sport a whirling strom on the gas gaint planet surface. A sqirling cloud on the Jupiter planet is a raging storm we can sea in this pictures. 

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